Cooking and Recipes.

Omelette with greenery.


Omelette is a traditional breakfast dish. Try to make it in a new way with a grandmother’s recipe. It is very rich. 

Ingredients: (for 3 person)

5 ea eggs.
3/4 pint milk.
onion slices to taste.
scallion or leek to taste.
greens (dill, parsley, celery).
salt to taste.


1. Whisk eggs in a food processor, combine with milk and salt. Beat the eggs mixture for approx. 5 minutes on the high speed setting.

2. Slice onion, chop scallion or leek and put into greased skillet, then pour over eggs mix. Put in the preheated oven and bake until golden brown on top.

3. Season to taste and add chopped greens. Serve immediately.