Cooking and Recipes.

Cold Soup with beets and kvass.

Cooking and recipes FREE ebook, download totally free, English. Ingredients:

500 g (1,1 lb) beet, peeled, cubed.
5 - 7 cups water.
vinegar to taste.

2 fresh cucumbers, cubed
100 g (3,5 oz) - green onion, chopped.
2 eggs, hard - boiled, chopped.
1 cup sour cream.
1,5 litres (3 pint) - Rye bread's kvass (drink).

Chopped green Celery, dill, parsley, salt, sugar, to taste.


1. Boil cubed beet roots in the water with vinegar until cooked. Chill. 

2. Put in to bowl cucumbers and eggs. Add chopped green spring onions and greenery into this mixture. 

3. Pour kvass.

4. Strain and discard beets. Pour beet decoction into bowl with vegetables and kvass, add salt, sugar and stir well. Serve cold, topping each bowl with a spoonful of sour cream.