Pskov city - the center of the Pskov region, photos. Travel all over the world. Discounted trips. Discount Hotel Reservation.Hotels and museums of old Pskov city, Russia. Russian.pskovrussian food, cooking, recipespoetry, poemsrussia, pskov

Pskov city - the center of the Pskov region. Travel all over the world. Discounted trips. Discount Hotel Reservation. Pskov city, Old Houses.

Hotels and museums in Pskov city  pskov romance travel agency events tours Pskov accomodation legal services welcome to Russia ancient fortress old kremlin monastery church poetry cooking food poems fairy tales history dating Pskov - one of Russia's oldest and most beautiful cities, it boasts one of the greatest number of extant historical monuments - over 300. The earliest go back to the 12 th century, the latest to the early 20 th. There is a natural combination of ancient monuments (fortified walls with towers, churches and monasteries, and merchant's chambers) and modern buildings.

Here was Seminaria

Here was Seminaria