Celebration great jubilee, 2003 year.
Pskov was 1100 year old. Celebration great jubilee, Pskov was 1100 year old

I would like to share with you this numerous pictures. For this photo gallery I selected the best pictures that reflect the quiet and solemn beauty of the Pskov area, its historical and cultural heritage and the spirit of its inhabitants.

Ancient Russian city Pskov has celebrated Jubilee 1100 year, 20 - 24 July 2003 year. Here you could to see a lot of new photos of Great events. News.
History. Ceremonies, performances, celebration!

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 24 July, 2003 - "St. Olga's Day". Holy Liturgy in the Trinity Cathedral. Religious processions from the Orthodox churches to the Veche square.  Festive service on Veche square of the Kremlin. Performance of classical and spiritual music.

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 23 July, 2003 - Musical and theatrical performance. "Pskov across the centures". Music and drama performance "The thread of Time".

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 23 July, 2003 - Opening ceremony of the celebrations. Opening Monument of St. Olga. >>>. 23 July, 2003 - Water blessing service in Vybuty village, birthplace of St. Olga. "Protector of the Russian land".

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 22 July, 2003 - at night (to 23 July) - Firework display.>>>

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 22 July, 2003 - "Day of Military Glory". "Crossing" military and Performance on the Velikaya river. Re- enactment of the Battle of the Liberation of Pskov. >>>

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary On 22 July, 2003 year, 6 p.m., monument statue of St.Olga by famous architect Zirab Tseretelie was opened in the park in front of the Rizhskaya hotel. 

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 21 July, 2003 -"Role of Pskov in the History of the Motherland".  Festival of wind - instrument.  Brass band parade.>>>

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary 21 July, 2003 - children celebrate jubilee. Performances for children.>>>

Festival Folklore July 20, 2003 - Festival Folklore. >>>

Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary July 20, 2003. Masters town opening. Jubilee of city. 1100 anniversary. >>>

Trinity Cathedral with Belfry in Kremlin, Pskov city, east side. July 19, 2003, Great Icons was presented to the Trinity Cathedral due Jubilee of city. >>>

Trinity Cathedral with Belfry in Kremlin, Pskov city, east side. July 18, 2003, 11 - 11.30, at night. Trinity Cathedral with Belfry in Kremlin, Pskov city, east side. >>>

open air performance 18 - 26 July, every evening, 10 p.m. Our Drama Theater  had open air performance beside old Gremyachaya Tower, in ancient fortress.>>>

Pskov city, new chapel On 17 July 2003 On 17 July 2003 was solemnly sanctified new Chapel near with railway station.>>>

Rizhskaya hotel. Pskov city 17 July 2003 monument statue of St.Olga by famous architect Zirab Tseretelie was erected in the park in front of the Rizhskaya hotel. >>>

Church St. Wasily on the Hill, pskov Recently was finished reconstruction of temple St. Wasily on the Hill. Here is a pictures of the Church. >>>

Izborsk in pskov region Izborsk is located 30 kilometers west of Pskov. The picturesque nature, plenty of forests, rivers, lakes create the perfect conditions for rest. >>>

Pskov city, Russia 16 July, here, in the territory Kremlin in the Pskov city, was great concerto of well-earned group of Russia: academic symphonic orchestra of SANKT-PETERSBURG philharmonic, under management Yuriy Temirkanova. Here is still very great summertime with white nights. Kremlin with Trinity Cathedral. >>>

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